Enable Technology



Excel 365 Advanced

  • 1 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to perform advanced data analysis, collaborate on workbooks with other users, and automate workbook functionality. You will:

    Work with multiple worksheets and workbooks.
    Share and protect workbooks.
    Automate workbook functionality.
    Use Lookup functions and formula auditing.
    Forecast data.
    Create sparklines and map data.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Work with Macros Using Lookup Functions and Formula Auditing
    Protect Worksheets and Workbooks Automating Workbook Functionality
    Determine Potential Outcomes Using Data Tables
    Use the Goal Seek Feature
    Trace Cells
    Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
    Watch and Evaluate Formulas Forecasting Data
    Search for Invalid Data and Formulas with Errors
    Use Links and External References
    Forecast Data Trends
    Collaborate on a Workbook
    Consolidate Data Sharing and Protecting Workbooks
    Use Lookup Functions
    Determine Potential Outcomes Using Scenarios
    Use 3-D References
    Apply Data Validation

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Excel 365 Basic

  • 1 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • In this course, you will learn fundamental Excel skills. You will:

    Familiarize yourself with Excel's layout, its various parts, its commands, and its terminology.
    Outline Excel's abilities to quickly, efficiently, and accurately calculate data.
    Update worksheets without throwing away all of the valuable work you've already done.
    Format a worksheet and organize your data.
    Print workbooks.
    Manage the overall structure of your workbooks.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Apply Text Formats
    Manage Worksheets
    Apply Number Formats
    Reuse Formulas and Functions Modifying a Worksheet
    Configure Headers and Footers Managing Workbooks
    Align Cell Contents
    Manage Workbook Properties
    Getting Started with Excel
    Preview and Print a Workbook
    Insert Functions
    Navigate in Excel for the Web
    Create and Save a Basic Workbook
    Apply Colors, Borders, and Styles
    Apply Basic Conditional Formatting Printing Workbooks
    Set Up the Page Layout
    Enter Cell Data Performing Calculations
    Search for and Replace Data
    Create Worksheet Formulas
    Use Excel Commands
    Adjust Cells, Columns, and Rows
    Use Proofing and Research Tools Formatting a Worksheet

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Excel 365 Intermediate

  • 1 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to leverage the power of data analysis and presentation in order to make informed, intelligent organizational decisions. You will:

    Work with functions.
    Work with lists.
    Analyze data.
    Visualize data with charts.
    Use PivotTables and PivotCharts.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Working with Functions Work with Ranges
    Sort Data
    Work with Date and Time Functions
    Query Data with Database Functions
    Work with Text Functions Working with Lists
    Outline and Subtotal Data Analyzing Data
    Create a PivotTable
    Work with Logical Functions
    Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting Visualizing Data with Charts
    Filter Data
    Create and Modify Tables
    Filter Data by Using Timelines and Slicers
    Modify and Format Charts
    Create Charts
    Present Data with PivotCharts
    Use Specialized Functions
    Analyze PivotTable Data
    Apply Intermediate Conditional Formatting
    Use Advanced Chart Features Using PivotTables and PivotCharts

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Excel Power Pivot

  • 1 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • A one day course introducing candidates to Power View and Power Pivot Excel tools.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Understanding Get & Transform
    Using Related Power Pivot Fields
    Understanding the Navigator Pane
    Working With Time Settings
    Power Pivot
    Enabling Power View
    Displaying the Query Editor
    Rearranging and Sorting Fields
    Creating a Power Map Tour
    Adding Slicers Get & Transform
    Changing a Power Pivot View
    Merging Queries
    Reducing Data Rows
    Editing Query Steps
    Connecting to a Data Source
    Adding More Power Views
    The Advanced Editor
    Creating a Concatenated Field
    Tiling Data in Power View
    Managing Data Columns

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Excel Programming Using VBA

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • A two day Excel VBA programming course which introduces advanced Excel users to the process of writing and editing Macros. No prior programming experience is assumed.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Getting Started
    Launching a Form in Code
    Working with the Combo Box Control
    Creating a Function Procedure
    Understanding Errors
    Using Input Boxes
    Determining the Value of Expressions
    Using Visual Basic Help
    Understanding VBA's Error Trapping Options
    Editing a Macro in the Visual Basic Editor
    Using the If...End If Decision Structures
    Understanding Modules
    Assigning a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar
    Naming Procedures
    Understanding Macro Security
    Understanding UserForms
    Displaying the Developer Tab in the Ribbon
    Using Intrinsic Constants
    Navigating the Excel Object Hierarchy

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  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This introductory two day JavaScript training course aimed at Web Designers will enable participants to interpret, adapt and write their own JavaScript code.

    No prior programming knowledge is assumed.-

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Basics of Form Validation
    Validating Checkboxes
    typeof Operator
    Storing User-Entered Data
    do while Loop Syntax
    for Loop Syntax
    The this Object
    Validating Radio Buttons
    Built-in Functions
    while Loop Syntax
    Array Properties and Methods
    Accessing Form Data
    Square Bracket Notation
    Returning Values from Functions
    Dot Notation
    Basic Rules

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  • 3 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This intensive three day jQuery training course provides a comprehensive overview of the jQuery JavaScript library. Ideally candidates should have a working knowledge of HTML and CSS.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Same-origin Policy and JSONP
    Detach Elements to Work with Them
    Key Concepts
    Logical Operators
    JavaScript Basics-
    Unbinding Delegated Events
    Using RequireJS with jQuery
    GET vs. Post
    Custom Effects with $.fn.animate
    Inside the Event Handling Function
    Choosing Selectors
    Ajax and Forms
    ID-based Selectors
    Saving Selections
    Selecting Elements

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JQuery Mobile

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • A two day intensive course in which participants develop single sites for all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms. You'll learn how to use jQuery Mobile to handle touch events, build mobile-optimized forms and widgets, incorporate HTML5 features, leverage phone capabilities such as making calls and texting, and more. Along the way, we'll cover jQuery Mobile's extensive theme framework and plugin architecture.

    Prior knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is required.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Overriding Themes with Custom CSS Plugins
    HTML5 and CSS3 Getting Started with jQuery
    Collapsible Blocks Events
    What Is jQuery Mobile?
    Virtual Integration with the Phone
    Accessibility Support
    Lists and Buttons
    Buttons and Toolbars
    Using Others' Plugins
    Ajax-driven Page Navigation
    Page Transitions
    Hosting vs. CDN
    Basic Page Template
    Video The Theme Framework

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Microsoft Access

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This is a two day intensive course. We show candidates how to design and build tables, forms and reports. Participants will learn how to create reports based on queries which filter and aggregate the data. No prior Access experience is assumed.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Setting Table Relationships
    An Introduction to VBA
    Importing and Exporting Records
    Parameter Queries
    Creating and Using Forms
    Modifying Forms
    Database Wellness
    Macro Techniques
    Creating a Relational Database
    Creating and Using Macros
    Action Queries
    Creating a Lookup Database
    Creating Queries
    Designing a Lookup Database
    Navigation Pane Protection
    Getting to Know Access 
    Macros on Forms
    Adding Transactional Records
    Working With Records
    Sorting and Filtering
    Querying Techniques

  • See Training Course Details...

Microsoft Access Programming Using VBA

  • 3 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This three day short intensive course introduces candidates to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming. We don't assume any prior programming experience. Candidates will learn how to build and use user defined functions, manipulate data, build switchboards and fully automate Microsoft Access applications.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Trapping Errors with the On Error Statement
    Specifying a Recordset Cursor Type
    Introduction to Programming in Access
    Navigating the Access Object Hierarchy
    Considering Variable Scope and Lifetime Together
    Determining the Value of Expressions
    Understanding Control-of-Flow Structures
    Creating a Standard Module
    Understanding Errors
    Working with Variable Lifetime
    Using the Object Browser
    Working with the Code Editor
    Understanding VBA's Error Trapping Options
    Why Program in Access?
    Naming Procedures
    Working with Properties
    Working with Inline Error Handling
    Locking Records for Updating
    Understanding Collections
    Handling Errors
    Debugging Code

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Microsoft Excel Power Query

  • 1 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This course familiarises the participant with Microsoft Power Query, a revolutionary data tool for Excel that allows you to intuitively discover and automate the import, transformation, and combination of data across a variety of data sources for use in Excel and Microsoft Power BI. Power Query is a free add-in for Excel that enhances the self-service Business Intelligence experience in Excel.  The course uses Excel 2016, however Power Query works with Excel 2010 and above.  

    Participants should be familiar with Excel and the concepts of datasets and basic reporting including the use of PivotTables.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Understand working with relational data.
    Loading into Power BI Desktop
    Combining Worksheets
    Working with Folders and Files
    Importing, Transforming, and Loading Data into Excel and Power Pivot
    Appending Operations
    Course topics include- INTRODUCTION TO POWER QUERY
    Loading into Power Pivot
    Understand the M interface.
    Power Query Interface
    Grouping Options
    Introduction to Power BI Desktop
    Understanding the Issues
    Understand Power Query formulas.
    Understand and perform importing from SQL Server Analysis Services Multidimensional.
    Using Ranges in Excel
    Importing Data
    Performing Merges

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Microsoft Excel PowerPivot Data Analytic Expressions DAX Language

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This course is intended for Power Users, Business Intelligence Developers and IT Professionals who will be involved with the development of Excel PowerPivot queries and tabular modelling. The course is intended to expose the delegates to the technology of DAX and to familiarise them with functionality of DAX at an advanced level.

     Prior experience with Excel and Microsoft SQL query writing is useful.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Conversion Functions
    Handling Errors Using DAX Functions
    Explaining Syntax
    Exploring Data Types
    Mathematical Functions
    Relational Functions Understanding Evaluation Contexts
    Using Multiple Calendars Utilising Advanced DAX Functionality
    Introduction to DAX
    Date Functions
    Utilizing Operators
    Filter Functions
    The CALCULATE Function
    Statistical Functions
    Many-to-Many Relationships
    Introduction to DAX
    Understanding Values
    Multiple Table Evaluation Context Working with Dates
    Single Table Evaluation Context
    Text Functions
    Information Functions

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Microsoft Power BI

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This course is intended for Managers, Report Developers and Data Participants who will learn how to use Microsoft Power BI to transform organisational data into rich visuals that facilitate new ways of thinking. This course covers both Power BI On Line and Power BI desktop. 

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Using Excel as a data source for Power BI
    Importing different data sources into Power BI
    Direct connectivity from Power BI desktop
    Power BI desktop queries
    The developer API
    Use Power BI with SQL Server Analysis Services data, including Analysis services models running in multidimentional mode. The Developer API
    Managing a Power BI solution
    Create calculated columns, calculated tables and measures. Interactive Data Visualisations
    Understand the DAX syntax and use DAX functions to enhance your dataset.
    Combine data together from tables in your dataset. Modeling data
    Importing data into Power BI
    Viewing reports from Excel files Shaping and Combining Data
    Use Power Bi desktop to create interactive data visualisations. Direct Connectivity
    Using databases as a data source for Power BI
    Power BI embedded
    Topics covered include- Introducing Power BI
    Shape data using formatting and transformations.
    Overview of the Power BI Data Model. Using Power BI
    Create relationships between data tables.
    Custom visuals Power BI mobile app
    Direct connectivity from the Power BI service

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Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services SSAS Multdimensional Modelling

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This intensive two day course is intended for SQL professionals and business intelligence professionals. The course covers the use of Analysis Services development tools to create and deploy multidimensional SSAS projects.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • View the XML for an Analysis Services Project Data Sources
    Deploy Analysis Services Projects
    Create Calculated Members
    Define Semiadditive Behavior
    Define Time Intelligence
    Processing Databases, Dimensions and Partitions
    Create Remote Partitions
    Rename a Multidimensional Database Processing a multidimensional model
    Configure Analysis Services Project Properties
    Create a Dimension by Generating a Non-Time Table in the Data Source
    Deploy Model Solutions Using XMLA
    Tools and Approaches for Processing
    Edit or Delete Partitions Merge Partitions
    Database permissions
    Define Logical Primary Keys in a Data Source View
    BI Wizard
    Overview of SSAS Multidimensional Modelling
    Create Measures and Measure Groups
    Set Impersonation Options for a Data Source Connection
    Define Attribute Relationships
    Add a Standard Action

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Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular Modelling

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • A two day intensive course detailing how to create, deploy, use and manage tabular models in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) . The course is aimed at Data Analysts and SQL professionals.  No prior knowledge of SSAS is assumed.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Change table, column
    Add sample data to DirectQuery models
    Add a table Delete a Table
    Enable DirectQuery mode in SSDT
    Object-level security
    Data types supported
    Restore from Power Pivot
    Enable DirectQuery mode in SSMS
    Data sources supported in tabular 1400 models
    Filter Data in a Table Relationships
    Define partitions in DirectQuery models
    Import from Analysis Services
    Manage Roles by using SSMS
    Create a Calculated Column
    Database Process Partitions in the Workspace Database Perspectives
    Create and Manage Measures KPIs
    Test a model in DirectQuery mode
    Connect to a tabular model database
    Create a Relationship Between Two Tables

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Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services SSIS

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This two day intensive course introduces SQL Server Integration Services. No prior knowledge of Integration Services is assumed.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Using Destinations and Understanding choices
    Administration of SQL Using the SQL Management Objects Tasks Data Flow
    Designing to Troubleshoot: Using Precedence Constraints
    Examining the SSIS Engine
    Examining the Transformation and Other Tasks Variables, Parameters and Expressions
    Utilizing Connection Managers SQL Server Integration Services Tasks
    Coding the Script Task
    Utilizing SQL Server Integration Services Data Typing
    Performing Joins with the Lookup Transformation
    Using the Workflow Tasks
    Understanding Parameters SQL Server Integration Services Tools
    Overview of Containers
    SQL Server Integration Services Architecture
    Working with XML
    Managing with Control Flow
    Choosing the Script Task or Script Component
    Using the Best Practices Debugging SQL Server Integration Services Packages
    Using Expressions in Packages Containers
    Handling Errors Common SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns
    Define and Use Variables and Parameters
    Creating Dynamic Packages

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Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder SSRS

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • Aimed at Data Analysts and SQL users this instructor-led course provides participants with the necessary knowledge to develop reports using Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder. The course covers Report Builder wizards, basics of report design, report parameters, report expressions, filters, report visualisations including graphs, charts, images and gauges. The course also covers the use of maps, interactive reports, report parts, sub reports, subscriptions and exporting options.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Planning Your Reports
    Examining Maps
    Filtering, Grouping, and Sorting
    Exploring Gauges
    Exploring Table or Matrix Wizard
    Exploring Matrix
    Understanding Report Parts
    Understanding Variances Between SQL Versions
    SQL Server Report Builder Advanced Reporting
    Utilizing Lists
    Examining Security
    Working with Map Wizard
    Introduction to SQL Server Report Builder
    Working with Datasets
    Utilizing Dynamic Headers and Footers
    Using Tables
    Visualizing Your Company Report Templates
    Examining Parameters
    Mastering Data Region(s)
    Exploring Subscriptions

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Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS

  • 3 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This three day intensive course will give delegates a comprehensive understanding of how to design and publish parametrised reports, manage permissions, schedule automated reporting and configure report caching. The course also demonstrates how to build reports designed for tablets and mobile devices.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Use databars, sparklines, and indicators in reports Summarising Report Data
    Databars, sparklines, indicators, gauges, and maps
    Publish a report to reporting services Working with Reporting Services Data
    Configuring data access with report builder
    Formatting data
    Introduction to reporting services
    Images and charts
    Reporting services components
    Overview of mobile reports
    Create a report using report builder or report designer.
    Use report services configuration manager to reconfigure SSRS servers.
    Mobile report publisher
    Reporting services tools Reporting Services Data Sources
    Extend reporting services functionality with external assemblies.
    Sorting and grouping
    Report subscription and delivery Administering Reporting Services
    Secure access to reports by using authentication, permissions, and SSL encryption.
    Topics include Introduction to Reporting Services
    Configuring data access with report designer
    Report parameters

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Oracle PL/SQL

  • 3 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This three day course gives participants a sound understanding of working with Oracle PL/SQL. The courses assumes no prior programming knowledge and is hands on in character.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • PL/SQL Blocks and Programs 
    Procedures and Functions 
    Calling a Stored Function 
    Privileges for Stored Programs 
    Creating a Stored Function 
    Collection Methods 
    Date Intervals 
    XML Packages 
    Cascading Triggers and Mutating Tables 
    Using Nested TABLEs 
    Associative Array Collections 
    Large Object Types 
    Stored Procedures and Functions
    Oracle-Supplied Packages 
    Package Variables 
    Dependencies and Validation 
    Stored Functions and SQL 
    Record Variables 

  • See Training Course Details...

Oracle SQL

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • A two day intensive course familiasing participants with the use of SQL in an Oracle context. SQL statements will be written and executed using a number of Oracle environments including SQL* Plus and Oracle SQL Developer.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Controlling Access to Your Tables 
    The SELECT Statement 
    Introduction to SQL 
    Viewing Table Characteristics 
    SQL Functions 
    Scalar Functions 
    Grouping Rows 
    Date Formats 
    Oracle Pseudocolumns 
    Inline Constraints 
    Aggregate Functions and Advanced Techniques 
    Using Oracle SQL*Plus 
    Compound Expressions 
    Data Inconsistencies 
    The DELETE statement 
    Graphical Clients 

  • See Training Course Details...


  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This practical hands on course assumes no prior SQL knowledge. Participants will learn how to query a relational database. At the end and the course delegates will be able to extract filtered information, group and aggregate data, write update, insert and delete SQL statements, create and edit tables, views and stored procedures.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Sorting By a Single Column
    Dropping Stored Procedures
    Creating Tables
    Order of Evaluation Advanced SELECTs
    Renaming Tables
    Benefits of Stored Procedures
    Benefits of Views
    Conditional Processing with CASE
    The LIKE Operator
    Multi-table Joins
    Case Sensitivity
    Foreign Keys
    Grouping and Aggregating Data
    Stored Procedures
    Sorting By Column Position
    Ascending and Descending Sorts The WHERE Clause and Operator Symbols
    Aggregate Functions
    CASE syntax

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SQL Server Data Warehouse Implementation

  • 3 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • Participants will learn to perform ETL (Extraction Transformation and Loading) operations by creating SSIS packages, managing a control flow and data flow, executing packages, and troubleshooting errors. To ensure the smooth functioning of the ETL operations, you will manage SSIS packages and secure them. Delegates will use SSIS packages to design and build a Data Warehouse.

    The course requires a working knowledge of SQL.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Configure the Package Execution Strategy
    Examine MSI Packages
    Track Changed Data Managing Data Flow
    Overview of Data Warehouses
    Troubleshoot Package Failures Deploying Packages
    Debug Package Execution Components
    Deploy a Control Flow
    Execute Packages from Different Control Flow Working with Dynamic Variables
    Perform Transformation Tasks
    Add Data Flow Components to a Data Flow Task
    Add Script Tasks and Script Components to an SSIS Package
    Create Columnstore Indexes Implementing Data Warehouses in SQL Server 2012
    Debugging and Troubleshooting Packages
    Introduction to Data Analysis and Reporting Concepts Creating Dimensions and Changing Granularity of Dimensions
    Create Fact Tables
    Secure Databases Working with MDS and Windows Azure
    Securing Packages and Databases
    Create an SSIS Project
    Work with Windows Azure
    Execute SSIS Packages on the Server

  • See Training Course Details...

Transact SQL

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Uk
  • Telephone on 01952 938014
  • Course Outline
  • This two day Transact SQL course introduces delegates to querying and manipulating data in Microsoft SQL Server. The course explores how to write select statements, join tables, create subqueries, write update, delete and insert statements. It differs from the generic SQL course in that if explores Microsoft SQL Server product specific functions and the notation associated with creating Microsoft SQL Server User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures and Triggers.

    The course id practical, hands on and does not assume prior SQL or programming experience.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Combine Data Using Simple Joins
    Work with Subqueries
    Manage Stored Procedures
    Configure User-Defined Functions (UDF)
    Implement Error Handling
    Analyze Data from Query Plans
    Work with Data Access Technologies Implementing Stored Procedures
    Assign Aliases Using Queries
    Work with System Catalog Views Optimizing Query Performance
    Work with Set Operators
    Write CASE Expressions Working with SQL Data Types
    Manage Triggers
    Work with PIVOT and UNPIVOT
    Update Data
    Getting Started with SQL Server 2012
    Work with Advanced Functions Working with PIVOT, UNPIVOT, and Grouping Sets
    Write SELECT Statements
    Create Queries to Test Nullability
    Manage Views
    Manage Query Plans
    Create Queries Using Join Algorithms

  • See Training Course Details...

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