Enable Technology



About Enable Technology Salisbury Access Training Courses

Enable Technology has twenty year track record of providing short intensive Access skills based training courses. The person delivering the course will be a Microsoft Solutions Expert (MCSE). Every course participant will receives course practice files and Access course resources that can be referenced post training. We offer all delegates open ended post training support. Delegates can contact the Tutor after the course with Access queries.

Access courses are taught by a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. We can set up a training lab at your premises and deliver Access courses onsite at your site. If you prefer we can offer an offsite training location in Salisbury. We will work with you prior to the course to tailor the Access syllabus to match your requirements.

This instructor led course is also available online. Participants can log onto a virtual classroom and will be able to see the tutors screen, ask questions real time and share their screen with the Tutor.

Our teaching team have been delivering technical training in the Midlands for twenty years. Some of our clients are Canadian High Commission, South Staffordshire Water PLC, Countrywide Homes Limited, Norfolk Police Constabulary, Unipart Group, Fujistu PLC, Lloyds TSB Bank PLC and Total Telecommunications Limited.

Microsoft Access

  • 2 day course
  • Location: Salisbury
  • Course Outline
  • In this two day course we teach participants how to design, build and use a Microsoft Access relational database. The syllabus will cover working with tables, queries, reports, forms and macros. The progresses from introductory level to advanced topics.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Data Validation
    Sorting and Filtering
    Macros on Forms
    Designing a Lookup Database
    Macro Techniques
    Adding Transactional Records
    Creating and Using Macros
    Understanding VBA
    Aggregation Queries
    Calculations in Queries
    Working With Records
    Action Queries
    Creating and Using Forms
    Database Security
    Modifying Forms
    Multi Table Queries
    Creating a Lookup Database
    Importing and Exporting Records
    Formatting Tables
    Parameter Queries
    An Introduction to VBA

  • See Training Course Details...

Microsoft Access Programming Using VBA

  • 3 day course
  • Location: Salisbury
  • Course Outline
  • This three day intensive course introduces candidates to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming. Participants can use VBA to build distributed fully automated Access database applications. No prior programming background is assumed.

  • Some of the training topics covered include ...
  • Working with Recordsets
    Working with the ADODB Recordset Object
    Determining the Value of Expressions
    Debugging Code
    Declaring Variables
    Understanding Control-of-Flow Structures
    Understanding the DoCmd Object
    Understanding Recordset Cursor Properties - Optional
    Navigating the Access Object Hierarchy
    Considering Variable Scope and Lifetime Together
    Introduction to Programming in Access
    Setting Breakpoints
    Using Message Boxes
    Using the With Statement
    Using Visual Basic Help
    Stepping through Code
    Understanding Collections
    Why Program in Access?
    Setting Break Expressions

  • See Training Course Details...

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