About Enable Technology Keighley Javascript Training Courses
Enable Technology has twenty year track record of providing short intensive Javascript skills based training courses. All Enable Technology tutors are Microsoft certified experts. All candidates receive comprehensive Javascript training materials and practice files which are theirs to refer to after the course. It is our policy to support delegates apply their new skill after the course. All candidate will be able to contact the course Tutor for as long as they feel they need help.
Enable Technology Javascript courses are instructor led and taught by an experienced Microsoft expert. If you can provide a training room, we can bring the necessary laptops with software installed and deliver the Javascript onsite. Another option is we can organise a local training site in Keighley. We are happy to modify the Javascript syllabus to match your teams training requirements.
This instructor led Javascript training is also available online. Participants can see the tutors screen, ask questions and share their screen with the tutor.
The Enable Technology team have had two decades of experience delivering technical training mainly in the Midlands region. Some of our clients are South Staffordshire Water PLC, Queen's Medical Centre Nottingham, Lloyds TSB Bank PLC, Halfords Group PLC, Vodafone Group Services, Total Telecommunications Limited, GKN PLC and Barclays Bank PLC.
- 3 day course
- Location: Keighley
- Course Outline
This intensive three day jQuery training course provides a comprehensive overview of the jQuery JavaScript library. Ideally candidates should have a working knowledge of HTML and CSS.
- Some of the training topics covered include ... Getting and Setting Information about Elements
- See Training Course Details...
Don't Act on Absent Elements
Key Concepts
Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries
Operations on Numbers and Strings
ID-based Selectors
Data Types
Ajax and Forms
Use Stylesheets for Changing CSS on Many Elements
Creating New Elements
Using Functions
Optimizing Your Code: The RequireJS Build Tool
Use Event Delegation
Keep Things DRY
jQuery's Ajax-related Methods
Moving, Copying, and Removing Elements
The while Loop
Selecting Elements
- 2 day course
- Location: Keighley
- Course Outline
This introductory two day JavaScript training course aimed at Web Designers will enable participants to interpret, adapt and write their own JavaScript code.
No prior programming knowledge is assumed.- - Some of the training topics covered include ... Validating a Registration Form
- See Training Course Details...
JavaScript Form Validation
Function Syntax
Square Bracket Notation
The getElementById() Method
JavaScript Operators
Array Properties and Methods
Basic Rules
Built-in Functions
for in Loop Syntax
A Loosely-typed Language
Working with Images
JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties
Passing Values to Functions
Storing User-Entered Data
Accessing Form Data
JQuery Mobile
- 2 day course
- Location: Keighley
- Course Outline
A two day intensive course in which participants develop single sites for all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms. You'll learn how to use jQuery Mobile to handle touch events, build mobile-optimized forms and widgets, incorporate HTML5 features, leverage phone capabilities such as making calls and texting, and more. Along the way, we'll cover jQuery Mobile's extensive theme framework and plugin architecture.
Prior knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is required.
- Some of the training topics covered include ... Basic Page Template
- See Training Course Details...
Supported Devices/OSs/Browsers
plugin Architecture
Sending Emails
Dialogs Widgets and UI
Making Calls
Video The Theme Framework
Accessibility Support
Collapsible Blocks Events
Buttons and Linking Pages
Using Others' Plugins
Lists and Buttons
Progressive Enhancement
What Is jQuery Mobile?
HTML5 and CSS3 Getting Started with jQuery
Themes and Swatches
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